Introduction: Sea Buckthorn in Gilgit Baltistan

There are found large amount of Sea Buckthorn in Gilgit Baltistan. Sea Buckthorn is a shrub fruits having rich vitamins and several other bioactive benefits. This medicinal plant contains various carotenoids, tocopherols, ascorbic acid or vitamin C, vitamin K, vitamin B complex, organic acids and zinc.

This medical plant is still largely unexplored in the world due to negligence of locals who did not know about the benefits of Sea Buckthorn. Like other countries of the world, in Pakistan this plant traditionally known as a medicinal plant, it is available in Gilgit Baltistan but the local governments and people do not have interest regarding the farming of this plant.

Sea Buckthorn in Gilgit Baltistan

The farmers in the Karakoram Mountains, sea buckthorn is the last crop ripening process during September to November, whereby collection is still possible until December. Traditionally, some berries are harvested and brings into the local market in dried form for sale.  Due to unawareness, Sea Buckthorn are used as fuel during winter season.  There are large markets in China and Europe markets.

It is a neglected species in Pakistan, as there is no any awareness among the people. Traditional, people are use the process of sun drying, and storage conditions were inappropriate resulting in a decrease of chemical fruit quality and thus negatively affecting the sales price.

The lack of infrastructure affect the efficiency of the targeted sea buckthorn production at large in these areas. There is dire need to set appropriate food quality standards, to increase communication among stakeholders, and to intensify training offers especially for collectors of sea buckthorn fruits. It produces small orange berries once a year, usually which are turned into jams, liquids and oils for a variety of uses.

What is Mean of Sea Buckthorn: Sea Buckthorn in Gilgit Baltistan

Sea buckthorn means the hippophae rhomboids family, which literally translates to glossy horse. The ancient Greeks noticed the remarkable changes in horse’s appearance after eating sea buckthorn fruit. While the berries made their coat healthier, they also helped the horses’ digestive system. It to mention here that, the sea buckthorn is still use as a gastric supplement for horses.

Benefits of Sea Buckthorn: Sea Buckthorn in Gilgit Baltistan

Some benefits of Sea Buckthorn are as under:

  1. Sea Buckthorn Oil

Sea Buckthorn berry oil is extracted using supercritical CO2, which extracts lipid components in a gentle, safe, and chemical-free way. The whole process is done in a clean environment, excluding any external impurities. This oil can be sourced from the sea buckthorn seeds or berries and is considered the most valuable component of the plant

2. Rich in many nutrients

Sea buckthorn is completely full in various vitamins, minerals, and various beneficial compounds. It helps to protect your body against aging and illnesses like cancer and heart disease. Its berries are especially rich in vitamins A, C, K, and E containing considerable amounts of iron, calcium, magnesium, potassium, copper, and zinc. Sea buckthorn seeds and leaves are rich in phytosterols.

3.    For Skin

Sea buckthorn oil has been use as a medicine for human being       skins for centuries. It contains; fat, antioxidants, phytosterols, carotenoids, and vitamins E and K, which function together to protect your skin’s integrity and promote its renewal. Sea buckthorn oil can be used to treat burns and promote wound healing.

4.    Promote Heart Health

Sea buckthorn oil is very effective for the heart health of human beings.  It is rich in phytosterols, which helps to promote heart health and to block the absorption of cholesterol from your diet, which can help prevent LDL cholesterol from creating blockages in your blood vessels and arteries. Sea buckthorn oil is a good source of quercetin, an antioxidant that is directly linked with a lower risk of heart disease.

5.    To Reduce Blood Sugar Levels

Sea buckthorn oil help to prevent diabetes and is very effective to support healthy blood sugar. The research shows that it may help reduce blood sugar levels by increasing insulin secretion and insulin sensitivity in human body.

6.    Boost Your Immune System

Sea buckthorn oil may be use to protect your body against infections. It contains Flavonoids, which are beneficial plant compounds that may strengthen our immune system. Sea buckthorn oil also contains a very large amount of antioxidants, which may also defend our body against microbes.

7.    May Support Liver Health

Sea buckthorn oil may support our liver health as it contains healthy fats, vitamin E, and carotenoids, all of which may safeguard liver cells from damage. Sea buckthorn oil significantly improved markers of liver function in rats with liver damage.

8.    May Have Anticancer Effects

For instance, sea buckthorn is rich in quercetin, a flavonoid which appears to help kill cancer cells.

9. To our digestion system

In an Animal studies, it indicate that sea buckthorn oil may help and treat our digestive and stomach systems.

10. For symptoms of menopause

It may reduce vaginal drying and act as an effective alternative treatment for postmenopausal women who cannot take estrogen.

11. For dryness of eyes

One study linked daily sea buckthorn intake to reduced eye redness and burning.

12. For growing improvement of human being hairs

Sea buckthorn contains small amounts of lecithin, a type of fat that may remove excess oil from your hair. It may also help repair damaged hair and restore its elasticity.

Uses Sea Buckthorn Powder

The sea buckthorn is available in markets, both in liquid and powder form. The traditional best way to use powder is with food. It is also in the form of Jams, which can be use like as uses of other fruit jams.

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